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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

Arabidopsis Knockout Facility

Donated by

  • Richard Amasino Department of Biochemistry, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Michael Sussman Department of Biochemistry, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Click here to view all 7006 of these lines.


Seed pools from the Arabidopsis Knockout Facility (AKF)

These T-DNA pools were donated by Michael Sussman and Rick Amasino. They were generated by the Agrobacterium vacuum infiltration technique using a derivative of the pD991 vector from Dr. Thomas Jack.

NOTE: The Arabidopsis Knockout Facility ceased operations on August 15 2004 due to loss of NSF funding. Other facilities provided by The University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center (UWBC) can be investigated at http://www.biotech.wisc.edu/ServicesResearch.

Seeds are arranged in sets of 25 pools of 9 lines ("J pools") to be ordered as a follow up to a positive result in DNA "H pools".


PLEASE NOTE: There are ordering restrictions on these stocks. NASC is not allowed to send the seeds to any company. If you are an academic user, you may not transmit these seeds to a company. Each laboratory is limited to the receipt of a total of 100 samples of seeds from this donation. Any exceptions to this policy require written permission from M. Sussman.

NASC and ABRC are using a different numbering system for the AKF lines.

  • N706738 is the same line as CSH1 (H1 pool).
  • N707007 is the same line as CSH270 (H270 pool).
  • N700001 is the same line as CSJ1 (J1 pool).
  • N706736 is the same line as CSJ6720 (J6720 pool).

To order "H pools" click View H pools (270). An "H pool" consists of a pool of mainly 25 J pools. You only need to order the group stock number of the set to obtain all 25 pools.

To order "J pools" click View J pools (6,736). A "J pool" consists of a pool of 9 lines. To be ordered as a follow up to a positive result in DNA "H pools".