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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N29841

Name: Rainbow Ridge 16

ABRC stock number: CS29841

Description: Arabidopsis kamchatica accession Rainbow Ridge, donated seeds were wild collected from a single maternal plant

Donation Date: 2023-04-10

Donated by:  University of Alaska Fairbanks Diana Wolf

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Status Price (£)
Currently unavailable £11.00

Germplasm Info

Genus: Arabidopsis     Species: kamchatica

Seed type: Ecotype

Growth requirement: Stratify seeds for at least one month at 4°C to induce germination. Germinate 20°C with long days. Vernalize plants for at least one month at 4°C with short days to induce flowering. Be sure to water plants for the first several weeks of vernalization.

Ecotype data

Location: Rainbow Ridge, AK

Habitat: gravel pit, Richardson Highway

Country: USA

Latitude Min: 63.2721

Latitude Max: 63.2721

Longitude Min: -145.662

Longitude Max: -145.662


Armstrong JJ, Takebayashi N, Sformo T, Wolf DE; 2015-03-01; Cold tolerance in Arabidopsis kamchatica.; Am J Bot.; PubMed ID: 25784477

Armstrong JJ, Takebayashi N, Wolf DE.; 2020-03-01; Cold tolerance in the genus Arabidopsis; Am J Bot; PubMed ID: 32096224

Wolf DE, Steets JA, Houliston GJ, Takebayashi N.; 2014-05-01; Genome size variation and evolution in allotetraploid Arabidopsis kamchatica and its parents, Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabidopsis halleri; AoB Plants; PubMed ID: 24887004