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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N71771

Name: etr2-3;ein4-4;ers2-3

ABRC stock number: CS71771

Description: Triple mutant generated by crossing and PCR genotyping of etr2-3, ein4-4, and ers2-3. etr2-3 and ein4-4 are intragenic suppressors of ethylene-insensitive mutants etr2-1 and ein4-1, respectively, that were identified through EMS screening and outcrossed to wild type Columbia at least once. ers2-3 is a T-DNA insertion mutant derived from the Feldmann T-DNA population. Mixed Col-0/Ws background.

Donation Date: 2019-01-14

Donated by:  California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Elliot Meyerowitz

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Comment: Clone Name: 3850:1003

Status Price (£)
Available £11.00

Germplasm Info

Seed type: Transgenic

Segregation status: homozygous

Growth requirement: none


Constitutive ethylene response phenotype. Small rosette.


Hua, J.,Meyerowitz, E. M.; 1998-07-24; Ethylene responses are negatively regulated by a receptor gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana.; CELL; PubMed ID: 9695954