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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N72637

Name: gfp-3

ABRC stock number: CS72637

Description: gfp-3 isolated from a population of EMS-mutagenized coilin mutant (hgf1-8) seedlings homozygous for the Target transgene (CS69639). The gfp-3 mutation of the Target transgene is a G to A transition (535) resulting in an A179T substitution. Homozygous for the transgene and mutation. M3 generation was donated.

Donation Date: 2021-04-10

Donated by:  Washington University Marjori Ann Matzke

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Comment: Marker:kanamycin

Status Price (£)
Available £11.00

Germplasm Info

Genus: Arabidopsis     Species: thaliana

Seed type: Transgenic

Background: Col (Columbia)

Segregation status: homozygous

Growth requirement: none

Associated Polymorphisms

When available, select a locus to display it at the AIP or view the EMBL record at the EBI.

Gene: Allele: Locus: AGI code:
  • hgf1-8