Updated version of the RFLP map generated on Landsberg erecta x Columbia Recombinant Inbred lines.

Clare Lister and Caroline Dean
Cambridge Lab, JICPSR, Colney Lane, Norwich,UK

An updated version of this map was released on 26/9/94 and is included in the latest release of AAtDB.

The map gives the position of 379 RFLP markers. There are a few changes in the order of previously mapped markers compared with the last map (June 1994). This is partly as a result of the addition of 43 new markers, but also in the random way in which "Mapmaker" selects markers to produce an order. Also we must apologise for a few mistakes in marker names on the previous map and hope this has not caused too much confusion!

A drawn map has not in fact been produced, instead a list of the marker orders and the cM distances to the next marker are shown. The maps for Chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 5 have been generated completely using "Mapmaker". For Chromosome 4 we have used the physical map data, from Renate Schmidt and her co-workers, to create the framework for the map around which the new markers have been positioned.

The accuracy of the map is determined by several factors, the most important of which is the quality of the segregation data submitted. Secondly, the use of 100 lines means that recombination events between closely linked markers are becoming limiting.

To obtain either a hard copy or an e-mailed copy of the map please contact Mary Rayward-Smith at ARABIDOPSIS@BBSRC.AC.UK Any enquiries about markers on the map should also be directed to ARABIDOPSIS.

The next new map will be produced in time for the Plant Genome III meeting in January.

Please send your segregation data to LISTER@BBSRC.AC.UK