NASC Stock Detail Page
NASC ID: N29071
Name: 1822/1422
ABRC stock number: CS29071
Description: Aagl3-1 mutant isolated from an ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized Arabis alpina pep1-1 population. Homozygous for the recessive substitution mutation (loss of splicing site, exon 3, early stop).
Donation Date: 2019-05-02
Donated by: | University of Cologne Martin Huelskamp |
Part of : Arabis alpina mutants
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed
Status | Price (£) |
Available to order at NASC | £11.00 |
Germplasm Info
Genus: Arabis Species: alpina
Seed type: Mutant
Growth requirement: none
Glabrous leaves, ectopic root hairs.
Chopra D, Mapar M, Stephan L, Albani MC, Deneer A, Coupland G, Willing EM, Schellmann S, Schneeberger K, Fleck C, Schrader A, Hülskamp M.; 2019-01-11; Genetic and molecular analysis of trichome development in Arabis alpina.; PNAS; PubMed ID: 31123146