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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

Search Results

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Search result for '19999 '. Viewing records 1 to 4 of 4 hits.

N2360 Name: Ws-2 Price: £11.00
  • University of Arizona Ken Feldmann
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

From K. Feldmann (to use with Feldmann's T-DNA stocks).
N67144 Name: gps1 Price: £11.00
  • Ohio University Sarah Wyatt
Locus Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Identified from a forward genetic screen for altered response at room temperature after gravistimulation at 4C; isolated from the K. Feldmann T-DNA collection.
No response to gravistimulation at 4C in both inflorescence shoots and hypocotyls. The phenotype is apparent after the plants have been returned to room temperature.
N67145 Name: gps2 Price: £11.00
  • Ohio University Sarah Wyatt
Locus Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Identified from a forward genetic screen for altered response at room temperature after gravistimulation at 4C; isolated from the K. Feldmann T-DNA collection.
Reverse gravitropic response to gravistimulation at 4C in both inflorescence shoots and hypocotyls. The phenotype is apparent after the plants have been returned to room temperature.
N67146 Name: gps3 Price: £11.00
  • Ohio University Sarah Wyatt
Locus Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Identified from a forward genetic screen for altered response at room temperature after gravistimulation at 4C; isolated from the K. Feldmann T-DNA collection.
Enhanced response to gravistimulation at 4C in both inflorescence shoots and hypocotyls. The phenotype is apparent after the plants have been returned to room temperature.