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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

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Search result for '2102928 '. Viewing records 1 to 3 of 3 hits.

N2104001 Name: GABI-DUPLO Double Mutant 2089/1a1.05.11 Price: £11.00
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) Cordelia Bolle
  • Bielefeld University Bernd Weisshaar
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) Dario Leister
Locus Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Please order as part of the set which includes the 2 parents. PLEASE NOTE: Parental lines can still be a segregating population. Double mutants should be rechecked before doing experiments (primer sequences are provided on the GABI-DUPLO web page). The set code which contains this line is N2102928
N2104002 Name: Parent 1 (SALK_091618c.01.a) of DM 2089/1a1.05.11 Price: £11.00
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) Cordelia Bolle
  • Bielefeld University Bernd Weisshaar
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) Dario Leister
Locus Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Please order as part of the set which includes the DM and the other parent. PLEASE NOTE: Parental lines can still be a segregating population. Double mutants should be rechecked before doing experiments (primer sequences are provided on the GABI-DUPLO web page). The set code which contains this line is N2102928
N2104003 Name: Parent 2 (SALK_145035c.09.b) of DM 2089/1a1.05.11 Price: £11.00
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) Cordelia Bolle
  • Bielefeld University Bernd Weisshaar
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) Dario Leister
Locus Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Please order as part of the set which includes the DM and the other parent. PLEASE NOTE: Parental lines can still be a segregating population. Double mutants should be rechecked before doing experiments (primer sequences are provided on the GABI-DUPLO web page). The set code which contains this line is N2102928