NASC Stock Detail Page
NASC ID: N3498
Name: asymmetrica, erecta, pyrimidine requiring
ABRC stock number: CS3498
Description: Biochemical, Colour, Form
Donation Date: 2003-02-28
Donated by: | University of Missouri George Redei |
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed
Status | Price (£) |
Available | £11.00 |
Germplasm Info
Seed type: Mutant
Mutagen: x-rays
Background: Col-1 / ER / Col-1
Growth requirement: include 0.01% thiamine in watering solution at least once per week; thiamine supplementation can be initiated at planting - delay can result in white or pale leaves and death.
Associated Polymorphisms
When available, select a locus to display it at the AIP or view the EMBL record at the EBI.
Gene: | Allele: | Locus: | AGI code: |
asymmetric, lobed and curled down rosette leaves; compact rosette, short petioles, blunt siliques; leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal.