NASC Stock Detail Page
NASC ID: N6930
Name: Col-5
ABRC stock number: CS6930
Donation Date: 1995-04-01
Donated by: | University of Warwick Eric Holub |
Donor Number: Col-5
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed
Comment: Single seed line: N28175
Status | Price (£) |
Available | £11.00 |
Germplasm Info
Genus: Arabidopsis Species: thaliana
Seed type: Ecotype
Background: Col-5(gl1)(N1644)
Growth requirement: at least one week cold treatment after planting is suggested for optimal germination.
Associated Polymorphisms
When available, select a locus to display it at the AIP or view the EMBL record at the EBI.
Gene: | Allele: | Locus: | AGI code: |
Single seed propagation from CS1644; Ecotype; like Col-0, except glabrous (gl1) plants, height = 28-35 cm
Ecotype data
Location: Columbia
Country: USA