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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N70000

Name: Col-0

ABRC stock number: CS70000

Description: line used to generate the current reference genome sequence; re-sequenced by the J. Ecker laboratory using Illumina SBS technology; derived from a bulk-seed descendant of CS60000, which was used to generate the Ecker T-DNA and cDNA collections plus many publicly available mutant lines and clones.

Donation Date: 2008-10-02

Donated by:  The Salk Institute for Biological Studies Joseph R. Ecker

Donor Number: Col-0

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Status Price (£)
Available £11.00

Germplasm Info

Genus: Arabidopsis     Species: thaliana

Seed type: Ecotype

Background: Col-0(N60000)


Medium rosette; leaf margins slightly serrated; observed flowering time was 22 days after planting; average height = 32 cm.

Ecotype data

Location: Columbia

Country: USA

Altitude Min: 1

Altitude Max: 100

Latitude Min: 38.3

Latitude Max: 38.3

Longitude Min: -92.3

Longitude Max: -92.3