NASC Stock Detail Page
Name: C24
ABRC stock number: CS906
Description: Commonly used background line. Previously preferred option for transformation before the development of silwet/vacuum transformation. Often incorrectly identified as Columbia.
Donation Date: 1993-06-01
Donated by: | Syngenta AG Brigitte Damm |
Donor Number: C24
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed
Comment: Single seed line: N28126
Status | Price (£) |
Available | £11.00 |
Germplasm Info
Genus: Arabidopsis Species: thaliana
Seed type: Ecotype
Background: C24
Growth requirement: seed stocks should be given a cold treatment (ca. 4 C for 3-4 days) immediately after planting
leaf margins slightly serrated, glabrous (lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, few trichomes on leaf margins), height = 25-30 cm.
Ecotype data
Location: C24
Latitude Min: 40.2077
Latitude Max: 40.2077
Longitude Min: -8.4264
Longitude Max: -8.42639