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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N923919

Name: SALK_088693.1

ABRC stock number: CS923919

Description: confirmed line isolated from original SALK line, homozygous for the insertion. T-DNA insertions are identified by TDNA-Seq, a method for next-generation sequencing in which pools of T-DNA lines can be sequenced in parallel and then de-convoluted based on their pooling pattern to assign T-DNA insertions back to their originating seed line. To set up the pools, a large numbers of individual TDNA insertion seed lines (10,000) are given a unique four digit number (0000-9999). Based on this identifier a line is placed into one of ten pools (1-10) in each of four superpool sets (plate, row, column and number). All 40 pools (4 superpools x 10 pools) are separately sequenced using a method to enrich for T-DNA/genomic junctions. A T-DNA identified in all four superpools is the unique identifier of the seed line which contained that insert.

Donation Date: 2015-06-19

Donated by:  The Salk Institute for Biological Studies Joseph R. Ecker

Donor Number: SALKseq_088693.1

Part of : SALK lines

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Comment: Donors: Joseph R. Ecker. Clone Name: pROK2. 2015-02-18 GenBank annotation - This genomic-terminal sequence of a TDNA insertion region lies within the CDS of AT1G55720.1 (at chr 1 pos 20828594 (W/20828536-20828594) on the TAIR10). The sequences' 1-59 bps mapped on the genome, 59-78 bps onto the T-DNA. Pools: P 75, R 77, C 72 N 80. The insertion site is at the 3' end of the sequence mapping. GenBank Acc: KO435401

Status Price (£)
Available £11.00

Germplasm Info

Background: Col-0(N60000, SALK_088693 )

Growth requirement: none

Associated Polymorphisms

When available, select a locus to display it at the AIP or view the EMBL record at the EBI.

Gene: Allele: Locus: AGI code: