NASC Stock Detail Page
NASC ID: N78885
Name: 78885
ABRC stock number: CS78885
Description: Set of 180 Swedish natural accessions sequenced by the M. Nordborg laboratory as part of the 1001 Genomes Project.
Donation Date: 2013-10-07
Donated by: | University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg |
Donor Number: CS78885
Stock type: set (View set contents)
Material type: seed
Comment: Donor name: Magnus Nordborg. To order the complete set of 1,198 accessions from the 1001 Genomes Project, please order stock number N78942.
Status | Price (£) |
Available | £560.00 |
Germplasm Info
Genus: Arabidopsis Species: thaliana
Seed type: Ecotype
Background: mixed backgrounds
Ploidy: 2(n)
Growth requirement: These accessions spend most of their natural lives at temperatures below 10C. Vernalization is required to promote flowering if they are grown at higher temperatures (i.e. 22-23C). Recommended growth conditions: one week of stratification at 4C to overcome seed dormancy and accomplish optimal germination, followed by 70-160 days of growth at 10C to induce flowering under long day conditions (16h light/8h dark). Alternative growth conditions: one week of stratification at 4C to overcome seed dormancy and accomplish optimal germination, followed by two weeks of growth at 22-23C, 8-10 weeks of vernalization at 4C and 10-40 days at 22-23C to induce flowering under long day conditions (16h light/8h dark).
Ecotype data
Long et al. 2013. Massive genomic variation and strong selection in Arabidopsis thaliana lines from Sweden. Nature genetics 45(8):884-90. PubMed ID: 23793030.