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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

NASC Stock Detail Page

NASC ID: N8111

Name: 35S-cre

ABRC stock number: CS8111

Description: transformed with Cre recombinase T-DNA, comprised of: CaMV double 35S promoter - Cre recombinase; double 35S promoter - maize R-Lc transcriptional activator (confers increased trichome numbers and increased anthocyanin concentration); CaMV 35S promoter - hygromycin resistance (HygR), conferring hygromycin resistance; crosses to T-DNA-lox, Dslox lines induce lox-lox site specific recombination; stocks provided by C. Corr, B. Osborne, and B. Baker.

Donation Date: 1996-06-20

Donated by:  The Plant Gene Expression Center Barbara Baker

Donor Number: B354

Stock type: individual line

Material type: seed

Status Price (£)
Available £11.00

Germplasm Info

Seed type: Cross

Mutagen: transposon insertion

Background: No-0(N3081)




confers increased trichome numbers and increased anthocyanin concentration