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Generation and mapping of the CAUT lines.

The yellow ch-42 mutant was transformed with a construct containing the wild type CH-42 gene. Green corrected plants were backcrossed to the yellow ch-42 parent until a 1:1 segregation of yellow to green plants was observed. Sequences flanking the T-DNA inserts were recovered by plasmid rescue and mapped on one of the five Arabidopsis chromosomes. The mapping technique changed over the course of the work; the earliest lines were mapped using the Lister and Dean recombinant inbred lines. Later lines were mapped using gridded BACs from the ABRC. Finally, sequencing using a left border primer and BLAST searches of the Arabidopsis genome sequence at TAIR was used to position the last inserts. The results of the project are shown in graphical form (below - please see the ordering page for a tabular representation). The lines containing these inserts were made homozygous and sent to NASC.